SASB index

SASB (Sustainability Accounting Standards Board) index
Topic Code Metric The Report section
Greenhouse Gas Emissions & Energy Resource Planning IF-EU-110a.1 (1) Gross global Scope 1 emissions, percentage covered under (2) emissions-limiting regulations, and (3) emissions-reporting regulations Environment / GHG emissions
Water management IF-EU-140a.3 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks

CEO’s message

Environment / Water management

Workforce health & safety IF-EU-320a.1 (1) Total recordable incident rate (TRIR), (2) fatality rate, and (3) near miss frequency rate (NMFR) Society / Health and safety
Activity metrics IF-EU-000.D Total electricity generated, percentage by major energy source, percentage in regulated markets ACWA Power at-a-glance / ESG targets and 2022 performance
Water management RR-ST-140a.2 Description of water management risks and discussion of strategies and practices to mitigate those risks

CEO’s message

Environment / Water management

Waste management RR-ST-150a.1 Amount of hazardous waste generated, percentage recycled Environment / Waste management
Ecological impacts of project development RR-ST-160a.2 Description of efforts in solar energy system project development to address community and ecological impacts

ACWA Power at-a-glance / Key 2022 sustainability projects

Sustainability management / Innovation

CEO’s message

Activity metrics Total capacity of photovoltaic (PV) solar modules produced ACWA Power at-a-glance / What we do
Total capacity of completed solar energy systems ACWA Power at-a-glance / What we do
Total project development assets ACWA Power at-a-glance / What we do